Species Reintroduction
In 1985, the Chicago Academy of Sciences, Lincoln Park Zoo, Illinois Department of Conservation, and Chicago Audubon Society initiated the Peregrine Falcon Release and Restoration Project to re-establish the Peregrine Falcon population in the Chicago area as part of wider reintroductions throughout the nation. The first Peregrines were released in 1986, just one year after the project started. Scientists closely monitored the falcons. The first successful nesting in Chicago was documented in 1988—the first in Illinois in 37 years. Although Peregrine Falcons did not originally have large populations in the Chicago region, the city’s tall buildings have served as a suitable habitat as they mimic the high perches the birds seek. Peregrine Falcon populations have stabilized locally and nationally, and in 1999 were delisted federally as a result of their recovery. Mary Hennen, who worked with the restoration project at the Academy from 1985 to 1995, is now based out of the Field Museum where she continues to monitor the Peregrine Falcon population in the Chicago area and oversees the Peregrine Falcon Program.
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